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Giving homeless young people a future


Could you imagine not having a safe place to call home? Not knowing where you will be sleeping from one day to the next or where your next hot meal will be coming from?

It seems unimaginable for most of us doesn’t it? However this is the exact scenario that faces thousands of young people in the UK every year.

Violence, abuse, family breaking and problems with mental health – young people often become homeless because it’s safer to leave home than to stay. 103,000 young people asked for help with homelessness last year.

Being homeless means not having a safe place to call home. We know thousands of young people sleep rough every night, but there are thousands more sleeping on sofas, floors, night buses or with strangers – these are the “hidden homeless”.

Together with leading homelessness charity Centrepoint, we can all ‘wake up to change’ by giving homeless young people a future.

James Morgan, Director at John German explains “This November a group of us from John German Estate Agents are taking part in Sleep Out for Centrepoint. We will be spending a cold and uncomfortable night sleeping in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park but it’s all for an amazing cause. Sleep Out raises money to help change the story for thousands of homeless 16-25 year olds in the UK. Centrepoint supports young people to recover their health and find a job and home of their own. Their approach works and 86% of those they work with leave Centrepoint positively.

Please sponsor us as much as you can because although we’re spending just one night outside of our comfort zone, homeless young people will have faced much worse.”


Tamara’s story

This is Tamara’s story. At 35 weeks pregnant Tamara’s mum kicked her out of home and with nowhere else to turn, Tamara became homeless. But with support and a lot of dedication, Tamara has turned her life around and grown in confidence.

How your donation will be giving young homeless people a future

Your money will help support:

• Toiletries

Every £10K could provide 660 young people with a toiletry set giving them a fresh start when they first arrive at Centrepoint (£15)

• Employability

Every £10K could provide 450 hours of employability training to get homeless young people into work (£22)

• Functional Skills

Every £10K could provide 322 functional skills sessions giving young people essential maths and English tutoring (£31)

• Food

Every £10K could provide 285 hampers to allow a homeless young person to buy enough food to last them the week (£35)

• Crisis intervention

Every £10K could provide 250 crisis intervention sessions to help young people overcome their traumatic pasts (£40)


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Date Posted

October 16, 2019

Article Category


Katy Storer

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