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How to look after a real Christmas tree


Nothing beats a real Christmas tree, the blend of pine, berries, and wood creating a refreshing aroma throughout the home. Once dressed with your favourite decorations, the spirit of the festive holiday truly comes alive. Rupert Evans, the owner of Denstone Hall Farm Shop and Cafe, gives tips on how to look after a real Christmas tree.

How to look after a real Christmas tree

  1. Once home, after purchasing your Christmas tree, if you are not taking it straight into the house, place the tree in a cool place out of the wind. If possible place the tree in a bucket of water.
  2. Just before you take the Christmas tree into the house, saw 5cm off the bottom of the trunk. By doing this, it will open up the pores of the bark which would otherwise block up with sap within a few hours of being cut. The tree will drink water through the pores via capillary action.
  3. Try not to expose the Christmas tree to sudden changes in temperature. Such as bringing the tree into a warm room straight from out of the cold.
  4. Once inside the house, try to position the tree away from any heat sources, including radiators or underfloor heating. The heat will dry out your tree faster, so the further from its source the better.
  5. Place the tree in water instead of soil or sand to avoid blocking the pores of the tree’s bark. Use a specially designed Christmas tree stand – either a Hydro or Cinca stand. Just think of all the precious hours you will save from trying to stand the tree up in a bucket with bricks and stones!
  6. Finally, keep the Christmas tree topped up with water. The tree may drink 2 to 3 pints (1-2 litres) of water per day, depending on its size and your central heating settings. Once the water level drops below the tree’s trunk, the sap will re-seal the bark within a few hours, preventing the tree from drinking any further water, even if you refill the Christmas tree stand. So, remember to keep topping your tree up with plenty of water.

Real Christmas trees still available

The farm shop still has some lovely real Christmas trees for sale (yesterday we bought ours from there). Visit Denstone Hall Farm Shop and Cafe’s website for more information and contact information.

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Date Posted

December 17, 2020

Article Category


Katy Storer

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